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Statistics from Government of Rwanda shows that Agriculture is a major economic sector for the most Rwandans, employing about 70% of the total population. The industry contributes about 31% to GDP, and it stands out as one of the most strategic sectors in Rwanda's development. 
DUHAMIC-ADRI supports different initiatives that plays a crucial role in promoting inclusive and sustainable agricultural development, empowering women in agriculture, and contributing to the overall socio-economic development of rural communities.



Kungahara is a Project implemented by DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with CARE Austria, together with CARE International in Rwanda (CARE Rwanda). It is running between 1st January 2024 and the end of 2026. Funded by European Union and co-funded by the Austrian Development Agency.


HVC: Sustainable livelihoods in Horticulture Value Chain

HVC is a 4-year project (2020-2024) funded by EU through OXFAM and implemented by DUHAMIC-ADRI in Rulindo District.


SPP- Social protection Program Muhanga

SPP is a one-year project (2023-2024) funded by LODA and implemented by DUHAMIC-ADRI in Muhanga District.
DUHAMIC-ADRI is working on 5 components:
- VUP Direct Support,
- VUP Public Works,
- VUP Financial Services,
- GIRINKA Program,
- Minimum Package for Graduation / Multi sectoral approach for graduation,
- Community mobilization conducted for mindset change/Behavior change communication


PVC-Pig Value chain

DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with World Vision Rwanda implemented the Pig Value Chain Project (PVC) as one of the four components of the THRIVE project. The PVC project is aiming at developing pig value chain in 4 districts.

The PVC project main objective was to develop the pig value to transform their pig farming activities into profitable market-oriented businesses by adopting the best pig rearing/farming practices to increase generated household incomes thus improving their livelihoods.


SERVE (Supporting, Enhancing Resilient &Viable Employment opportunities

DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with Care International Rwanda and its implementing partners are implementing the five years’ Program named “Supporting and Enhancing Resilient and Viable Employment Opportunities” (SERVE) Project.

This program is funded by MasterCard Foundation through the partnership of Care International and will focus on building a resilient, sustainable, gender equitable, and inclusive entrepreneurial environment that increases dignified and fulfilling work opportunities for predominantly female young people aged between 18 and 35 years in agricultural value chains in 10 Districts across Rwanda.

This project aimed to create jobs to 100,000 youth throughout four agricultural value chains: Chili, tomatoes, green beans and poultry


USAID Ejo Heza

The USAID Integrated Improved Livelihoods Program (IILP), known locally as “Ejo Heza”, was a five year (2011-2015), Feed the Future program that improved the livelihoods of more than 17,500 smallholder farmers, this project was implemented by DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with Global Communities and Save the Children.



Since June 2017, DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with CARE INTERNATIONAL funded by Access to Finance Rwanda have been implemented the 3-year PROFIFA Project “Promoting Financial Inclusion of Smallholder Farmers organized into VSLA Groups”. project that ended May 31st, 2020 the PROFIFA Project:”


SMART: Sustainable Market Alliance and Asset Creation for Resilient Communities and Gender Transformation

SMART Project is implemented to achieve three main project outcomes:
(1) improved food security and shock resilience of small-scale farmers,
(2) Increased production and market surplus by supported smallholder farmers and
(3) improved capacity of government and communities to design and implement, nutrition-, gender- and climate-sensitive social protection programmes.

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