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Strengthening integrated ECD services delivery - ECD Gisagara

DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with the Gisagara district, ECD Sector supervisors and others ECD Partners continued to conduct supportive supervision to ECD facilities by empowering caregivers, facilitators, community health workers, CEW and IZU for supporting them to strengthen ECD services delivery in 6 sectors of Gisagara district

Project Goal

Strengthening integrated ECD services delivery is a one-year project (July 2023 -June 2024) funded by NCDA and implemented by DUHAMIC-ADRI in Gisagara District.

Project Coverage

Six Sectors of Gisagara District

Key Achievements

-531 ECDs with 11,160 children included 65 children with disabilities have been identified and served at the ECD facilities including 5303 male & 6002).

-11,160 Children attended ECD monitored by DUHAMIC-ADRI in collaboration with Sector supervisors, Local leaders and ECD frontline workers

Project Gallery

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